4,400 tonnes mined with
av. head grade per tonne of
8.3 grams of gold
165 grams of silver Florida Quartz Vein
Key Infrastructure Available
Road Access with availability of water and electricity
Property Terrain - Mine Area
Mill Production Jan. 07
Project Development Accomplishments
The following is a summary overview of the achievement since the Company first acquired a right to earn an interest in the Mina Real Project in January 2006:
Florida Mine Site:
Complete about 1,500 additional meters of development mining at the Florida Mine Site
Upgraded access road to mine site
Development of concrete portals to mine entrances
Mined and stockpiled about 17,000 tonnes of mineralized material
Completed approx. one kilometer of road access from Florida mine site to high-grade Tajos Cuates vein structure
Infrastructure Development:
Completed construction and establishment of field offices and base camp for mining and exploration
Completed on-site housing for mill management and employees
Established an on-site asay lab
Constructed approximately 3.5 kilometers of new roadway from base camp to mill site
Constructed approximately 3.5 kilometers of new roadway from base camp to mill site
Upgraded segments of main access road to base camp
Established corporate offices in Tepic, Mexico
Mill Construction:
Obtained all environmental approval and permitting for mill and tailings pond
Power lines to mill site upgraded to handle well in excess of 300 tonnes/day capacity
Completed site preparation, civil works and construction of 200 tonne/day conventional mill
Completed construction of tailings pond with 10 year capacity